Mission Control Command Center

Described as a “game changer,” the Mission Control Command Center uses artificial intelligence to not only track what’s happening in hospitals in real-time, but also predict what will happen hours, and even days, away.

Anatomage Table

Thanks to the high-tech Anatomage Table, students at AdventHealth University learn and apply human anatomy through a digital human cadaver, creating a simpler and more effective way of teaching.

Hope for the Hopeless

Tom Werner, AdventHealth CEO Emeritus, tells of a time he overheard a nurse prayer for, and minister to, a patient who said he didn’t want to go on living. She had no idea her CEO was listening nearby.

Pastor Heart Transplant Story

A pastor with a history of heart issues collapses during his sermon, and it’s all caught on camera. Thanks to quick action from the congregation, a defibrillator and the exceptional care at AdventHealth Orlando, Pastor Mark receives a new heart and a new outlook on life.

Lean on Me

Not knowing if he would survive his Covid experience, Charles shares his dramatic, yet victorious story of how his care team rallied around him with love and exceptional care to restore not only his body, but his spirit too. Charles was the first person with Covid admitted to AdventHealth North Pinellas.

Helping Refugee Communities

Mostly due to war in their countries, refugees have sought a new life in Kansas City. AdventHealth team member, Anna, tells her inspiring story about how her and AdventHealth Shawnee Mission have touched the refugee community through love and care.

Inspiring Message from Kettering President

As the Covid vaccine team prepares for a day of helping the community, President Fred Manchur shares an inspirational message about loving each other and positively impacting those in need.

Tornado Relief

After a devastating tornado in Dayton, Ohio on May 27, 2019, a team from Kettering Health jumps into action to help those affected in the community.